邮件自动发送器™ 文件版 (AMSFE)是一款功能强大且灵活的电子邮件自动发送器,它可以使用您的文件以您期望的时间和频率自动发送电子邮件。

您可以使用自己喜欢的文本编辑器根据邮件接口及示例文件在您自己的文件中撰写所有电子邮件元素和各种发送计划(例如每年、每月(某天,一周中的某天,最后一天)、每周、每天以及您可以想到的任何其他调度),当前支持文本/初始化/配置文件(*.txt;*.ini;*.cfg)和 XML 文件(*.xml)。

AMSFE 为您提供 eMail 接口定义、示例文件及一些基础设置,它支持几乎所有传统邮件元素/功能及一些特殊元素/功能,例如发送调度、逐个发送且含间隔(秒)设置、重复发送、失败后自动重发且含次数及间隔(秒)设置、宏管理器并自带一些内置宏(接收者、发送日期和时间及您的相关信息)、文件夹附件、发送成功后自动清空附件目录、设置多个发送为同一时间、SMTP 帐号列表及当默认者不可用时自动选择可用者、发送成功后删除邮件文件(常用于其他程序/设备生成的一次性文件)、代理服务器列表及当默认者不可用时自动选择可用者、队列及日志管理、邮件文件检查器、邮件目录管理、取得每封外寄邮件的拷贝、所见即所得富文本(HTML)邮件正文编辑器、自定义发送者/阅读回执接收者/回信接收者、从外部文件中读取接收者/正文、SSL/TLS 安全 SMTP 连接、直接创建主流 SMTP 帐号、Unicode 支持、自动完成 SMTP 帐号设置,等等。


此外,因为它为您提供了 eMail 文件接口,您可以将之视为您其他程序/设备的用于自动发送邮件的插件模块/编程接口。

邮件自动发送器™ 文件版在线文档中阅读完整描述

Compatible with Windows 8 100% Clean Compatible with Windows 7


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主题:软件推荐 - 邮件自动发送器™ 文件版:使用文件自动发送邮件(来自 ‘您的名称’)


我正在使用邮件自动发送器™ 文件版,这是一款功能强大且灵活的电子邮件自动发送器且提供了免费许可证,让您可以使用自己的文件以期望的时间和频率自动发送电子邮件。







由 BitsDuJour.com @ 2013/03/12
Automatically Send Emails on Your Own Schedule
Email messaging is a wonderful invention, but it lacks the flexibility to send emails on your own schedule. Even so-called email "schedulers" only let you specify a certain date and time to send an email -- any attempt to secure a more detailed or advanced emailing schedule is met with disappointment and failure! That's why today's promotion features Auto Mail Sender™ File Edition, a highly configurable automated email software solution for Windows users, available at an amazing discount! Auto Mail Sender™ File Edition lets you use simple text files to transmit emails at any time, and with any frequency! With Auto Mail Sender™ File Edition, you'll be able to customize the software to send messages on a routine basis, such as by date, day of the week, weekly, daily, almost any period that you can imagine. Plus, interval settings let you send emails with any frequency that you choose, even down to seconds. Of course, Auto Mail Sender™ File Edition supports resending failed deliveries, built-in macros, multiple emails, and folder attachments. Just think of all of the uses for a software program like Auto Mail Sender™ File Edition! Those work logs or status documents that you send every week? Done. Routine business emails? Done. Even birthday and anniversary greetings can be set up in advance and set to repeat, ensuring that you'll never be chided for forgetting an important date ever again! It's all yours with today's promotion, available at a great discount.

Windows 版 下载邮件自动发送器™ 文件版 v2.0,1.74 MB 下载